Acceptable Use Policy

Last update, 2015-09-23

Major Principle

Our Acceptable Use Policy is governed by a simple principle, which is that our users should feel comfortable and positive about the content and be able to choose whether they want to see certain content they might consider inappropriate.

In more detail

Wish Explorer helps you to keep track and organize wishes in the on- and off-line world. Within the Service, we have different sections with different visibility settings. It is pretty much up to you what you do in your private section, as long as it is legal.

However, as soon as you post content in the public section, you have to think about other users!
We define the public section as:

We hope that our users have a positive user experience and recognize that everybody has a different perspective or opinion about what is appropriate, which also depends on the context in which the subject is presented. However, there is obviously content one would not show in front of “sensitive audiences” such as children or at work.

Wish Explorer will not actively promote or feature sexually explicit or pornographic content. You can, of course, have such content in your lists. As a public user, you will be able to host such content and users will be able to search for it. However, Wish Explorer will not offer a category comparable to “electronics” or similar where “trending” or “most wanted” items appear.

Things you cannot do in general

Violate any law applicable at your place of residence Infringe our or third party rights including rights regarding intellectual property Any type of interference, manipulation, hacking, or reverse engineering of the software, App, content, the network, data, or Service of Wish Explorer Collect and store data of and about users of Wish Explorer without their consent Exposing your account to risk by providing third parties access to it Transfer your account to a third party for a compensation

Things you cannot post

We do not permit content that: Exploits or presents minors in a sexual way Promotes hate speech or credibly threatens people or public safety Glorification of excessive violence, abuse or harm against people or animals Constitutes a genuine threat of physical injury or property damage Is illegal, deceiving or fraudulent

Wish Explorer retains the right, but not the obligation, to monitor, edit or delete any content or portions thereof in its own discretion. This will particularly be applied when in our belief content violates our terms or policies.